Poopymcbutt, a popular new newgrounder, has already recieved much critical acclaim and public recognition. BUT does he really deserve this fame? His style is clearly derivitive of the deceased user 10jd.
This can clearly be seen by comparing this film by poopy and this film by 10jd, though I recommend looking at 10jd's other works for a better idea of these similarities.
Okay, I get it: We all loved 10jd back in the good old days of NG, and a tribute is nice every once in a while, but to blatantly steal a style without acknowleging it... I don't know, just seems wrong. The worst part is that all the new '12 users will never know of 10jd and hail this man who clearly couldn't exist without his creative influence... it pains me as a user and an artist.
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nig nog